We have now reached the final days of filming. After a handful of arguments and countless hours of trying to come up with something, we finally got our final idea. We did not get this idea on our own. By discussing with classmates in school, we got a lot of feedback that has helped us really create a final vision for our opening. We decided to do our opening in a particularly stranded side road in which our main protagonist is disposing of a body. As he is not being very discreet about it, you can hear the cars in the background. One of our classmates mentioned to me that we should film from the front of the car. The moment she told me this, I automatically said nah VIBE. As I wanted to do a shot that was a bit different I decided to consult my group. Carlos came up with the brilliant idea of doing a shot from the back of the car. I automatically fell in love with his idea so I did a bit of research on shots similar to this one and found that it has its own way of being perfect. We also wanted to establish mise-en-scene through our shot and wanted everything to seem organized and a bit isolated. I will continue to update everything about the progression of our opening here. Stay tuned.
Video I found to further deepen my understanding of the car scene from the backseat.
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